InterEnvironment Institute serves as the secretariat of this IUCN Specialist Group
InterEnvironment Institute serves as the secretariat of this IUCN Specialist Group
Signed in as:
These photos were taken over many years.
ABOVE: TOP ROW: Group at the 2005 World Parks Congress: Standing, left to right: Xola Mkefe, South Africa; Keith Cooper, SA; Ted Trzyna, US; Zwai Peter, SA; John Davidson; UK; sitting: George Davis, SA. // Other photos: Ted Trzyna, US. Adrian Phillips, UK. Jeff McNeely, US/Thailand.
BOTTOM ROW: Joe Edmiston, US. Pedro da Cunha e Menezes, Brazil. Louise
Lézy-Bruno, France. David Goldstein, US.
BELOW: TOP ROW: Brett Myrdal, South Africa. Judy Ling Wong, UK. Mike Paparian, US. Fook Yee Wong, Hong Kong.
BOTTOM ROW: Tanya Layne, South Africa (at her desk in the Edith Stephens Wetlands Park on the Cape Flats of Cape Town). Gideon Amboga, Kenya (center, with a fellow Kenya Wildlife Service ranger and Brett Myrdal of South Africa at Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya; the lake, which has no outlet, is challenged by urban runoff). Yoav Sagi, Israel (at a remnant of coastal dunes between Ashdod and Ashkelon that has been protected from urbanization thanks to efforts of an NGO).
BELOW: TOP ROW: David Welch, Canada. Jim Barborak, US. Pete Frost, UK.
BOTTOM ROW: Karen Treviño, US. Glen Hyman, US/France/Brazil. Elisabeth Kersten, US with Mark Bouman, US.
We welcome participation in our work. There are two ways of getting involved:
These categories are explained below.
*Carolina Figueroa, Bogota, Colombia // figueroacaro [at]
*Hoda Gray, Seattle, State of Washington, US // hoda.gray [at]
*Pedro da Cunha e Menezes, Deputy Chair
Career Brazilian Diplomat. Currently Director, Department of Protected Areas, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Brasilia, Brazil // cunhaemenezes [at] gmail [dot] com
*Pete Frost, Deputy Chair
Bangor, Wales, UK. Senior Urban Advisor, Natural Resources Wales // peter.frost [at] cyfoethnaturiolcymru [dot] gov [dot] uk
*Louise Lézy-Bruno, Deputy Chair
Draveil, France. Assistant Director, Environmental Directorate, Department of Essonne // louise.bruno [at] yahoo [dot].fr
*Fook Yee Wong, Deputy Chair
Hong Kong, HKSAR, China. Secretary, Friends of Hong Kong Country Parks; formerly head, Hong Kong Country Parks // fookyeew [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] hk
Joseph T. Edmiston, Senior Advisor
Malibu, California, US. Executive Director, Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, Natural Resources Agency of California
Jeffrey A. McNeely, Senior Advisor
Hua Hin, Thailand. Former IUCN Chief Scientist; A.D. White Professor-at-Large, Cornell University
Adrian Phillips, Senior Advisor
Cheltenham, England, UK. Formerly: Chair, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas; Director General, Countryside Commission for England and Wales; IUCN Programme Director
Jim Barborak
Fort Collins, Colorado, US. Senior Advisor and former Co-Director, Center for Protected Area Management, Colorado State University
*Steering Committee
People in all these categories are sent newsletters and circular emails. Please contact the Specialist Group Chair, listed above, if you have questions about them.
Full membership in the IUCN WCPA Urban Conservation Strategies Specialist Group is by invitation. Anyone may ask to be included, but preference is given to those directly involved in connecting conservation of nature with urban people, urban places, and urban institutions, either as practitioners or researchers.
Although expertise and willingness to contribute are most important, we strive for gender balance and wish to include younger professionals and people from all world regions. The specialist group is deliberately kept small to encourage interaction among its members. At any given time it has about a hundred members from some 30 countries. Members must contribute in some way; see How you can contribute, below. Member involvement is assessed at the end of each year.
Full members of the IUCN WCPA Urban Conservation Strategies Specialist Group are required to be members of the parent organization, the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas. This is a straightforward process, but it can be facilitated by the Specialist Group Chair if necessary. Click here for information about WCPA membership.
Specialist Group members are listed as such in the IUCN Union Portal (once in the Portal, go to Commissions, then enter urban in the search box). The Portal is accessible to IUCN member organizations, IUCN staff, and members of IUCN Commissions.
The Portal also has a list called Urban Conservation Strategies: Network, which includes members of the seven IUCN Commissions who have expressed interest in urban matters through the IUCN Secretariat.
A word about funding. IUCN's Commissions are volunteer networks. Their members' time and expenses are covered by their employers, or by grants members secure on their own. In many cases, Commission members donate their time and pay for their own expenses. Occasionally IUCN or other organizations cover travel expenses to meetings at which Specialist Group members are asked to participate.
Secretariat, P.O. Box 99, Claremont, California 91711 US
Contacts: See "Our People" page